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Hand tool: When the Hand tool is active, you can hold down the Alt key (Option key on the Mac) and click the image to zoom out, or hold...

How to use hand tool and rotate view tool in Photoshop in telugu || Smart HUB

Hand tool:
When the Hand tool is active, you can hold down the Alt key (Option key on the Mac) and click the image to zoom out, or hold down the Ctrl key (Command key on the Mac) and click to zoom in — without needing to press the spacebar like you would with the normal keyboard shortcut. Scroll All Windows.

Rotate view tool:
 Having the ability to quickly rotate the image view can sometimes make it easier to carry out certain types of retouching work, rather that be forced to draw or paint at an uncomfortable angle. To use the rotate view tool, select it from the tools panel and click and drag in a window to rotate the image around the center axis.

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